
Mutant Chronicles 3rd Ed. RPG

Created by Chris Birch, Modiphius

Modiphius unleashes the Dark Legion in the 3rd edition of the dieselpunk sci-fi RPG with brand new content & cinematic rules

Latest Updates from Our Project:

UNLOCKED: Luna City Adventure Tiles!
over 8 years ago – Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 05:36:59 AM

Hi folks guess what! We unlocked you a new Stretch Goal when we hit £275,000 with the Conan Kickstarter! 

The Mutant Chronicles stretch goal for Conan is a bonus set of PDF special adventure tiles detailing cool locations for encounters in your games. They are the first of a series that we'll be producing this summer for you. We're going to be developing the decrepit undercity ruins of Luna City to start with. Our amazing map making guru Jose Esteras will be designing these for us! Check out some of his Infinity RPG tiles below! The cool thing is all our tiles are interchangeable with the same design and same positions of doorways!

Remember you don't need to do anything to get these, they'll be distributed to everyone with the PDF Master / All the books in PDF as part of their pledge. Our ETA on them is the Autumn. 

SHIPPING UPDATE: The Cartel book has arrived in print so Wave 2 will begin shipping next week for those of you with three shipments in your pledges. We're just awaiting Luna, Mutants & Heretics, Dark Eden Campaign and Dark Eden Supplement to arrive. Luna and Mutant's should be with us in a month (allowing for proof reading previews in PDF) and we'll ship any orders just waiting on those. Dark Eden's books are likely 2 months away as they're so much bigger and are wrapping up this whole first stage of the Mutant Chronicles storyline, but you'll also be getting the Venusian Apocalypse campaign in PDF to help tide you over in the meantime. 

CONAN! We unlocked a ridiculous deal in the Conan Kickstarter on Thursday:The two big pledges - Hoard of Yezdigerd (all the books) at £300 and Secrets of Mount Yishma (all the books and accessories) at £600 now come with the PRINT SUBSCRIPTION - this gets you ALL the books we're printing for the Conan RPG for TWO YEARS! 

We also announced a cross-over book with the boys at Free League Publishing, designers of the award winning Mutant Year Zero who'll be introducing their amazing community building system in to the cross-over book we're doing with Funcom for their Conan Exiles game

We'd love you to join us on the Conan Kickstarter if Sword & Sorcery is your thing! To inspire you here's the newly commissioned wraparound cover by Tom Grindberg (Conan, Savage Sword of Conan, Conan Saga, Judge Dredd, ERB's Back to the Stone Age) for the Conan the Pirate book. 

Please share the link for the Conan Kickstarter with friends if you think they might like it. - it would be a great help for us!

Here's the samples of Jose's tiles for the Infinity roleplaying game!


Chris, Modiphius 

New Mutant Chronicles Stretch Goal!
almost 9 years ago – Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 05:32:09 PM

Guess what? We have a new Mutant Chronicles Stretch Goal thanks to the awesome Kickstarter for Robert E. Howard's Conan: Adventures In An Age Undreamed Of - This is Conan roleplaying as Robert E. Howard wrote it – savage pulp adventure battling ancient horrors in the Hyborian Age. The best bit is you don't have to do anything!

We have pulled together a legendary list of artists old and new. This is going to be the most authentic Conan roleplaying game yet with a top team of writers and scholars who have been hard at work through 2015 to bring this project to fruition. Even better it uses the 2d20 System you're familiar with from Mutant Chronicles - dialled up for savage melee!

So how does it work? Simple - we've just passed the £205,000 Stretch Goal and when we get to £275,000 (we raised £205k in just 10 days so far with 22 days to go) everyone who is a backer of Mutant Chronicles will get the bonus. You DO NOT need to back the Conan RPG Kickstarter to get this, it's simply a free bonus as thanks for supporting us in the beginning.

The Mutant Chronicles Stretchgoal for the Infinity Kickstarter was the bonus Intrigue Initiator plot generator. We also included it as a bonus booklet inside the Mutant Chronicles Gamesmaster Screen. 

The Mutant Chronicles stretch goal for Conan is a bonus set of PDF special adventure tiles detailing cool locations for encounters in your games. They are the first of a series that we'll be producing this summer for you. We're considering the decrepit undercity ruins of Luna City to start with - but tell us in the comments below what you'd like to see?

So please do share the link for the Conan Kickstarter with friends if you think they might like it. - it would be a great help for us!

Thanks again!

Chris, Modiphius

Whitestar PREVIEW! Card Deck PREVIEWS! Updated PDFS!
almost 9 years ago – Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 06:10:00 PM

Hi everyone we've had a busy few weeks getting the Dark Legion Campaign, the Bauhaus and Cartel Supplements off to print and Whitestar is close to going to print so now's your chance to check it out!

In your Backerkit Account you'll find a Whitestar Supplement Preview PDF (we've still lots of things to fix like the cover) but please report any errors you come across through or by posting in the comments below

UPDATED PDF's. We have also updated the following PDF's to their final files: Bauhaus, Cartel and the Dark Legion campaign. 

CARD DECKS. We've uploaded Card deck previews for the NPC, Chronicle Points and Villains decks to Backerkit. If you have the PDF Subscription, Nepharite, Dark Apostle, Dark Soul Pledges or chose the PDF's as Add On's you will have access to these PDF's. They're development PDF's so there's a few errors here and there but we'd love to get any proof reading or error reports. 

SHIPMENTS. As the books arrive in the warehouse we have shipments going out to people just waiting on those books. So the 2nd Wave is a rolling series of shipments taking place at the moment. People waiting on a full bundle of 2nd wave books will get shipments at the end of this month once the Dark Legion, Bauhaus, Cartel and Whitestar books have arrived. 

Here's the cover of the Whitestar supplement to inspire you comrades!


Chris, Modiphius

The Cardinal Provides! Cartel & Orbitals PREVIEW!
almost 9 years ago – Tue, Feb 09, 2016 at 06:48:28 PM

Let the bells ring out across Luna - the Cardinal has provided once again! 

Backers with the PDF Master / All the PDF's package can download the Cartel & Orbitals supplement Preview from Backerkit in the digital rewards section. We're tweaking a few images and the credits aren't complete yet. The plan is to send the final file to print on Monday so it can be part of February's 2nd wave of shipments so if you spot any errors please share them with us via 

Some of you are being surprised by deliveries! That's because as books arrive now packages are shipping if that's all your order is waiting on. We've had the Dark Symmetry Campaign, Dark Soul book and GM Screen's arrive in the warehouse. We should have the Dark Legion Campaign and Bauhaus books arriving next and we hope to get Cartel and Whitestar printed next. 

For those with multiple shipments then we're planning a 2nd Wave shipment before the end of Feb with all of those. 

That will leave Mutants & Heretics, Luna & Freelancers (that 'might make it in Feb), the two Dark Eden books and the 5 card decks to come. The Card decks are in layout now and should go out in pdf preview to those who get them in PDF. Once they're approved we'll get them back a month later in print and they'll distribute to everyone waiting on those. 

The Savage Worlds conversion is proceeding well - the full conversion text has been completed and just needs checking. It will then go to edit and then layout. My estimate is about two months for completion so the PDF's would go out in April (let's say end of April to be safe - remember it's a big book to re-layout with the revised set of rules and stats). You'll be seeing previews before then of course to help with comments. 

Hope you enjoy the Cartel!

Chris, Modiphius

Bauhaus & Dark Legion Campaign Updated
almost 9 years ago – Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:03:52 PM

Hi guys the Dark Symmetry Campaign and Dark Soul supplement are arriving in our warehouse next week. We'll then be  waiting on print copies of Bauhaus, Cartel, Dark Legion Campaign, Whitestar and the Cartel & Orbitals books which should all be with us by around the 2nd week of Feb, then we'll be sending out the second wave of shipments!

We have updated the Bauhaus (v7) and Dark Legion campaign (v3) book files with 'almost ready' to print files in Backerkit - still a few tweaks so if you see anything we have until Wednesday night to spot any final errors or issues. As usual report them to 

We're working on getting you the Cartel & Orbitals supplement and the Whitestar Faction supplement later next week in PDF so you'll have plenty to keep you busy!


Chris, Modiphius