
Mutant Chronicles 3rd Ed. RPG

Created by Chris Birch, Modiphius

Modiphius unleashes the Dark Legion in the 3rd edition of the dieselpunk sci-fi RPG with brand new content & cinematic rules

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Single Page Core Book & Player's Guide PDF's
over 9 years ago – Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 05:27:39 PM

Boom! Two updates in one day, just like the kickstarter days!

Okay you now have the Player's Guide PDF Preview to download in Backerkit, along with the much awaited Single Page PDF version of the Core Book. 

Next up is the Cybertronic preview for the First Wave!

Enjoy the weekend!

Chris, Modiphius

Brotherhood Supplement Preview
over 9 years ago – Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 09:20:25 AM

Hi there, we'll have the Player's Guide PDF for you shortly, but in the meantime here's some weekend reading! The Brotherhood Supplement preview is ready to download in your Backerkit account - please note this is a little more unfinished than normal:

  • this does not have the correct credits page or back cover
  • there are missing pieces of text, art and graphic fillers
  • our proof reading is happening now but we'd love you to submit any errors you find through our Contact Page by friday 28th August. 

We'll be posting the final PDF versions of the Mishima, and Imperial supplements shortly as they will be ready to print this week. 

The Core book is currently being printed along with the Collectors Editions and we're really looking forward to seeing them arrive. 

Enjoy and we'll be updating you on more production news this week. 

Chris, Modiphius

Capitol Preview is here!
over 9 years ago – Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 07:55:05 PM

Hi all if you login to your Backerkit and your pledge included the PDF Master Package or above you can now download the preview of the Capitol supplement! 

Capitol is still being tweaked, image captions added, gaps filled etc. We'd like to invite you help proof read and spot any errors whilst we do the same. As usual send any you find here by next Friday 13th August. 

You'll also find updated files for Mishima and Imperial which have been tidied up and are just getting final tweaks - these all include the maps you can expect in the books (though one of Capitols is lower rez at the moment). The layout team are working on the Brotherhood supplement next and the Players Guide should be ready next week. 

We're working hard to get the first wave of supplements finished by the time the core book production arrives. 

Remember these are print previews - all the PDF's will be issued in SINGLE PAGE PDF's once they are complete and will be sent out via DRIVETHRURPG. The Core Book is being converted to Single Page PDF in the next few days. However we'll be away from saturday until the 18th August and won't have easy access to internet so we'll upload it when we return. 


Chris, Modiphius

Imperial Supplement Preview
over 9 years ago – Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 11:22:05 AM

Hi there just to let you know we've just sent out a mail to download 'PDF Master' which is the Imperial Supplement for preview. It's still in layout with lots of things to fix but please have a look through and help spot any glaring errors (not formatting but missing text, grammatical errors, etc). If you don't get the mail just login to your Backerkit Account and look at your downloads. 

You can report them as usual here - please send us reports by midnight next Sunday 19th July. 

We've just announced we're bringing out a gaming line based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter of Mars books in 2016 - you can check it out here 

Enjoy the weekend!

Chris, Modiphius

Final Cover & Core Book Approved
over 9 years ago – Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 12:44:11 PM

Hi guys we have some great news, Paradox have just signed off the core book and we're now going to print! We'll be sending out the Imperial supplement shortly for you all to check out and Mishima will be going to print next. 

Now the core book is off to print we'll be creating the Player's Guide based on the core character creation chapters. 

Finally here's the revised cover of the 3rd Edition core book - Schott Schlomburg tweaked the art to correct some issues, and added in the hand grabbing for the logo which we think suits Mutant Chronicles perfectly :-)


Chris, Modiphius