
Mutant Chronicles 3rd Ed. RPG

Created by Chris Birch, Modiphius

Modiphius unleashes the Dark Legion in the 3rd edition of the dieselpunk sci-fi RPG with brand new content & cinematic rules

Latest Updates from Our Project:

UK Games Expo Pickups
over 9 years ago – Mon, May 18, 2015 at 01:59:33 PM

Heads up if you're coming to UK Games Expo at the end of this month - let us know by noon this Wednesday 19th if you would like to pick up any of your items that you're waiting on. This does not include the books but minis, bags, coins, pendants, dice sets etc. Don't worry just mail us if you're coming and we'll make sure to bring everything we have. 

We're making some tweaks to the character sheet and will send out the revised one in the next couple of days. I've got the core book Index and summary tables now, and the layout team will start on the error report next to correct as much as possible before we get the full pre-print PDF. I'll do a proper update when I send out the character sheet. 

Chris, Modiphius

Error Reports and Design Update
over 9 years ago – Sun, May 10, 2015 at 05:47:17 AM

hi guys, just quick update that we're going through over 700 reports errors (some are just comments but each one has to be checked and a decision made). Our goal is to get this in to the layout designer in the coming days so we can get a full and revised version of the PDF produced to give you all a week with it before a final error fix and we go to print. 

In the meantime there should be a pdf of the missing Chapter 3 - Timeline - coming in the next few days. We're just figuring out how best to show the secrets of the timeline. Shouldn't be long though. 

Whilst the final PDF is out with you all we'll be doing the backer list, credit, legals, index and all the other stuff that has to fit around the final book. 

The Mishima supplement PDF is going to be ready to send out soon, and Imperial will be following soon after!

With the volume of layout work we have we taken the decision to hire a second full time layout designer for the office to work alongside Michal. We already have two designers working on Mutant Chronicles but we're determined to help speed up the process of getting you books. We're currently looking for someone, so if you know anyone in the London area who's looking for a job making games look awesome get them in touch!

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