Final Proof Reading Core Book Draft
over 9 years ago
– Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 10:31:59 AM
Here's something to keep you busy this week! In your Backerkit account you'll find the updated v4 PDF of the core book in the Mutant Chronicles Core book download.
This includes all 700 of the error checks, but we're running another proof read now because we found more corrections to be made and we want to make sure it's about as near damn perfect as we can get it.
So let's give it another week till end of play next Sunday 21st - please post a chapter number in the comments below that you're going to look at and check to see if anyone else has posted it so you're not duplicating effort. Then send us comments via - in the meantime we're running another proof read of all chapters ourselves. Between us all we should catch those last pesky errors.
PLEASE also check the alphabetical credits for Backers on the last pages to make sure we've got you, spelt your name right etc! THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO DO THIS!
As this is so important we're going to email everyone this update too so please expect a duplicate as a reminder (and for those who only backed outside of Kickstarter). We'll be adding in the revised cover art with some corrections later this week, a final tweak to the character sheet etc. Then we're off to print!
Chris, Modiphius
Mishima PDF Preview Available!
over 9 years ago
– Sun, Jul 05, 2015 at 12:55:40 AM
Hi all, we've just emailed you all a link to download the Mishima Supplement PDF preview. Please send us any error reports by midnight Pacific time next sunday via
If you didn't get the mail just login via Backerkit and the link will be in your Digital Rewards list.
We now have the final Mutant Chronicles Corebook PDF and we're going to send it out via DriveThruRPG for you this afternoon!
The Imperial supplement should be ready soon and we'll update you as soon as we have news.
Chris, Modiphius
Chapter 3 Timeline PDF Preview!
over 9 years ago
– Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 05:59:13 AM
Hi there the final chapter of the core book - Chapter 3 - Timeline (Core Book Preview Part 12) is now available in Backerkit. This is the 14 page Timeline which includes some never before seen Mutant Chronicles secrets, detailed separately in a red GM Eyes only folder at the back. This is so you can share the normal timeline pages with players if required. Please be careful discussing these to avoid spoilers for players.
There are some edits still going on to this - we're removing the list of Cardinals (which will likely go in the Brotherhood book) in the Secrets section and replacing with some more secrets, and there's another being added at the end in the empty space on the page. However I wanted you to see the near completed version and the final version will be in the finished full core book PDF. We're just working on the Index, Credits and final useful tables section and you'll have the full PDF of the Core book for final checks very soon.
As usual please send any comments and corrections to
We'll be sharing more secrets of the Mutant Chronicles universe in the supplements and campaigns to come.
Character Sheet & PDF Subscriptions
over 9 years ago
– Mon, Jun 08, 2015 at 10:53:35 AM
Hi there first of all I wanted to confirm that PDF Subscriptions are valid until the end of 2016 now due to the delays... and we've got plenty coming! Several big adventures, and the awesome mega campaign which let's you play Mitch, Valerie, Bob, Steiner and the other's, discovering some of the major events of the Mutant Chronicles timeline.
Character Sheet: We've uploaded the latest draft of the character sheet and lifepath worksheet to the Mutant Chronicles Full Core Book Preview download folder in your Backerkit Account.
Note we're aware of a couple of issues:
- Dread table missing check boxes on page 1
- Career 1 missing title in Worksheet
Please let us know any other comments. You'll see we've allowed more room for Talents and made the worksheet more useful, the weapons section now follows the same format as the core book.
Remember we would like to see any final error reports on the core book by midnight this Sunday. We're now locking the page numbers so we can fill in the 'See Page xx' references. The Appendices and Glossary are now complete it's just down to the final Index with page numbers and Backer list then the last round of proof reading corrections.
We've been working on Mishima but aren't happy with the layout yet and are waiting on a revision before we send it out to you to look at. The rest of Wave 1 books are all just waiting on layout now and we plan to get another layout artist on board to help catch up - this can take time as they need to learn the particular look and feel, the design guidelines and graphic styles for the books, but it will help us speed up this process in the long run. The Player's Guide is going to be put together quickly from the various chapters next as it will also ship with the core book to those who just purchased the core book and guide.
That's it for today!
Chris, Modiphius
Core Book Full PDF Download & Bonus!
over 9 years ago
– Mon, Jun 01, 2015 at 08:53:34 AM
Hey mutants, we're finally here! The full preview version of the PDF (minus index, character sheets and backer list) is now available to download in your Backerkit Account (for backers including the Dark Symmetry Core Book)
The link is called: Mutant Chronicles FULL Core Book Preview - there were over 700 error reports to deal with as well as our own tweaks so it's been quite a mission!
We're currently sorting out the index, backer list, character sheets and there's some items still to add in the Appendices tables section over the next week. We're going to set a date of midnight on Sunday 7th June for you to submit any final error reports . As usual please send them through giving the page number of the pdf, section title and any other info to locate the issue.
The cover is being tweaked by Scott to fix some issues so you'll see the revised version next week before we go to print.
Now there's a bonus... the wise amongst you will have guessed that the PDF is not 245 pages but double that as it shows full double-page spreads so the Core Book is no longer just 400 pages but a massive 500 pages of full throttle techno fantasy action!
Yes, that's a full 100 pages more than promised and as we completed the book we knew key sections like spaceship and vehicles rules had been promised but really should have been cut to keep us under budget and save the page count. With all the delays I took the decision to keep them in there and eat the cost as a bonus for you all to say thanks for the huge support and being so patient over the last months. It's quite a considerable cost but I believe it's worth every penny to give us the game we've all been waiting for.
Hope you enjoy - the rest of the Wave 1 books are underway and we'll update you on those over the coming weeks as the core book goes to print.
Chris, Modiphius